1045 Пластина из углеродистой стали - ПРОГРЕСС

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AISI 1045 steel is a medium tensile steel supplied in a black hot-rolled or normalized condition. It has a tensile strength of 570 – 700 MPa and Brinell hardness ranging between 170 и 210.

AISI 1045 steel is characterized by good weldability, good machinability, and high strength and impact properties in either the normalized or hot-rolled condition.

AISI 1045 steel has a low through-hardening capability with only sections of around 60 mm in size being recommended as suitable for tempering and through-hardening. Однако, it can be efficiently flame- or induction-hardened in the normalized or hot rolled condition to obtain surface hardnesses in the range of Rc 54 – Rc 60 based on factors such as section size, type of set up, quenching medium used etc.

AISI 1045 steel lacks suitable alloying elements and hence does not respond to the nitriding process.

Химический состав

Элемент Содержание
Углерод, С 0.420 – 0.50 %
Железо, Фе 98.51 – 98.98 %
Марганец, Мин. 0.60 – 0.90 %
фосфористый, п ≤ 0.040 %
сера, С ≤ 0.050 %

Physical Properties

Physical Properties Метрика Империал
Плотность 7.87 g/cc 0.284 фунт/дюйм3

Механические свойства

Механические свойства Метрика Империал
Твердость, Brinell 163 163
Твердость, Knoop (Converted from Brinell hardness) 184 184
Твердость, Rockwell B (Converted from Brinell hardness) 84 84
Твердость, Vickers (Converted from Brinell hardness) 170 170
Предел прочности, Окончательный 565 МПа 81900 пси
Предел прочности, Урожай 310 МПа 45000 пси
Удлинение при разрыве (в 50 мм) 16.0 % 16.0 %
Reduction of Area 40.0 % 40.0 %
Модуль упругости (Typical for steel) 200 ГПа 29000 кси
Объемный модуль (Typical for steel) 140 ГПа 20300 кси
Соотношение Рыб (Typical For Steel) 0.290 0.290
Модуль сдвига (Typical for steel) 80 ГПа 11600 кси


AISI 1045 is widely used for all industrial applications requiring more wear-resistance and strength. Typical applications of AISI 1045 are as follows:

Gears Pins Rams
Shafts Rolls Sockets
Axles Spindles Worms
Bolts Ratchets Light gears
Studs Crankshafts Guide rods
Connecting rods Torsion bars Hydraulic clamps

Heat Treatment

AISI 1045 is subjected to forging, annealing, normalizing, stress-relieving, hardening and tempering processes – each of which is explained in more detail below:

  • Forging Heat to 850°C – 1250°C (1562°F – 2282°F). Hold until the temperature is uniform. Cool in a furnace.
  • Annealing Heat to 800°C – 850°C (1472°F – 1562°F). Hold until the temperature is uniform. Cool in a furnace.
  • NormalizingHeat to 870°C – 920°C (1598°F-1688°F). Hold until the temperature is uniform. Soak for 10 – 15 minutes. Cool in still air.
  • Stress-Relieving Heat to 550°C – 660°C (1022°F – 1220°F). Hold until the temperature is uniform. Soak for 1 hour per 25mm of section. Cool in still air.
  • Hardening Heat to 820°C – 850°C (1508°F – 1562°F). Hold until the temperature is uniform. Soak for 10 – 15 minutes per 25mm of section. Quench in water or brine.
  • TemperingRe-heat to 400°C – 650°C (752°F – 1202°F) as required. Hold until the temperature is uniform. Soak for 1 hour per 25mm of section. Cool in still air.


AISI 1045 is widely used for all industrial applications requiring more wear-resistance and strength. Typical applications of AISI 1045 are as follows:

Gears Pins Rams
Shafts Rolls Sockets
Axles Spindles Worms
Bolts Ratchets Light gears
Studs Crankshafts Guide rods
Connecting rods Torsion bars Hydraulic clamps



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