316 ステンレス板を使用


316 ステンレス鋼板は高品質のステンレス鋼材です. 主成分はクロムです, ニッケル, モリブデンおよびその他の合金元素. 耐食性と高温強度に優れています。. 316 ステンレス鋼板は幅広い用途に使用できます, 以下はその主な用途の一部です:

Chemical equipment: 316 stainless steel plates are widely used in the manufacture of chemical equipment. Due to its good corrosion resistance and high temperature strength, it is suitable for manufacturing chemical equipment such as steam generators, 熱交換器, reactors, and storage tanks.
Food processing equipment: 316 stainless steel plates are also widely used in the food processing industry. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance and non-toxic and odorless properties, it is suitable for manufacturing food processing equipment, kitchen equipment, 等.
Medical equipment: 316 stainless steel plates are also widely used in medical equipment. Due to its non-toxic, odorless, and non-radiation characteristics, it is suitable for manufacturing medical equipment, surgical instruments, operating beds, 等.
Ship construction: 316 stainless steel plates are also widely used in ship construction. Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, it is suitable for manufacturing ship hulls, ship equipment, 等.
In short, the application range of 316 stainless steel plate is very wide, involving chemical industry, food, medical treatment, shipbuilding and other fields.